Category: Blogs (Page 2 of 3)

University of California Santa Barbara’s proposed Panopto-Dorm!

Warren Buffet’s Business Partner Bankrolls Windowless Dorm”

” . . . 94% of the dorm’s single occupancy rooms are in the interior of the building, and have no windows.”

The controversy continues, as an “Architect Resigns in Protest over UCSB Mega-Dorm”Criticizes Munger Hall as ‘Social and Psychological Experiment’ with Unknown Consequences”

“In his October 25 resignation letter to UCSB Campus Architect Julie Hendricks, Dennis McFadden ― a well-respected Southern California architect with 15 years on the committee ― goes scorched earth on the radical new building concept, which calls for an 11-story, 1.68-million-square-foot structure that would house up to 4,500 students, 94 percent of whom would not have windows in their small, single-occupancy bedrooms.”

Below are some images from the blueprints:

“Yes, Build the Windowless Dorm in My Backyard”

“It took Munger—who is worth more than $2 billion, owing to several decades spent as Warren Buffett’s right-hand man—a year and a half to come up with this configuration, he has said. The secret is that the dorm has compact, windowless rooms. Esteemed architecture man Paul Goldberger described the design as “a grotesque, sick joke — a jail masquerading as a dormitory.” Also, apparently there is one shared toilet per eight bedrooms? Yikes.”


A Few End of Unit 2 Surveillance Songs + Facebook in the News!

“I Always Feel Like Somebody’s Watching Me” (Rockwell)

“Love in a Time of Surveillance” (Incubus)

“Surveillance Capitalism” (Evan Greer)

“Facebook Renames Itself Meta”

“Mr. Zuckerberg on Thursday talked up the idea as “the successor to the mobile internet” and said mobile devices would no longer be the focal points. The building blocks for the metaverse were also already available, he said. In a demonstration, he showed a digital avatar of himself that transported to different digital worlds while talking to friends and family, no matter where they were on the planet.”

Below is one of the images form the article, most likely included because of the new “logo” for Facebook’s new brand name, “Meta.” Note, however, what else is shows in the photo: a worker, hypervisibly a person of color, picking up trash around the new sign, shown just as he walks below the new logo . . .

The company’s new logo was unveiled on Thursday at its headquarters.

And, another, more in-depth and critical perspective from The Jacobin.

“Facebook is Now Meta. And It Wants to Monetize Your Whole Existence” by James Muldoon, senior lecturer in political science at the University of Exeter and author of the forthcoming Platform Socialism: How to Reclaim Our Digital Future From Big Tech.

“You log on, and you’re herded into a virtual bar to listen to your boss telling jokes. Meanwhile, a metaverse-first real estate company is selling off overpriced property in a virtual London, and gamers are competing for non-fungible tokens. Welcome to the Zuckerverse — a place nobody asked for but in which we may soon all be spending a lot of time.

On Thursday, Facebook changed its name to Meta, as part of a broader shift toward the so-called metaverse — a network of interconnected experiences partly accessed through virtual reality (VR) headsets and augmented reality (AR) devices. In Zuckerberg’s own words, “you can think about the metaverse as an embodied internet, where instead of just viewing content—you are in it.” The most recognizable examples of this in action are virtual office meetings with VR goggles, playing games in an expansive online universe, and accessing a digital layer on top of the real world through AR.” (italics added for emphasis).

Propose your Research Essay Topic as a Movie Pitch!

How to Write Your Topic up as a Movie Pitch or Trailer:

* Be Brief + Detailed + Specific + Concise [2-3 minutes]
* Include significant information w/succinct language + keyterms
* Set a Tone appropriate for the Topic!
* Incorporate Important Research Keyterms
* Write for a possible Audience . . . to Persuade them
* Use questioning or other hook strategies to draw an Audience in . . .
* Imply Motive (why is the topic/potential argument important?)
* Evoke Stance (To what extent am I invested in this topic+ why?
* Exhibit credible ethos, but be interesting, provocative, controversial
* An Audience should want to read the essay after hearing the Pitch!
* Note the Conversation(s) you are entering
* Gesture to a specific Thesis argument or possible arguments
* Don’t give it away! (No Argument Plot Summaries or Spoilers!)

You will present their Research Topic as a Movie Pitch or Movie Trailer in class on Tuesday, November 10th! 

If you want to sound like Movie Man Voice!

“Meet the Epic Voice Behind Movie Trailers”


Movie Pitch Text + Movie Trailer for The Last Sumurai

Official Movie Trailer for The Last Sumurai


Example Trailers


Pulp Fiction

Blair Witch Project

Forrest Gump

Opening for the original Star Trek TV series

Space, the final frontier
These are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise
Its five year mission
To explore strange new worlds
To seek out new life
And new civilizations
To boldly go where no man has gone before

Example Student Movie Pitch as a Movie Trailer

His Life, His Way (Frank Sinatra as American Gangster)

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