There is an option for writing PRELIM 8: Evolving Annotated Bibliography as a Blog Post, earning both PRELIM credit + Blog Post credit.

First, sign in to your WordPress website (or other blog hosting program).
Second, choose “Posts” or “Add New” from the left menu of the Dashboard.

      • “Add New” (to start a completely new Blog Post)
      • You can add text by copying + pasting from another text file (i.e. MS Word, .pages, Google Docs, etc.) OR typing in the window. For example:Dick, Philip K. Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Thorpe, Ulverscroft, 2018.
        [Novel Chapter] In a future where most animals are a rare commodity, bounty hunter Rick Deckard tracks deviant androids, hoping to earn enough money to purchase a living sheep (as opposed to the robotic one that he already possesses). In the process, he falls in love with an android. Struck by this unprecedented dilemma, Deckard struggles to differentiate between humanity and inhumanity as he reassesses his situation. Since my essay focuses on the portrayal of robots in media, this classic felt like the perfect reference point. As Deckard realizes the dangers associated with making androids as human as possible, I see a chance to analyze why the androids even need to be human-like in the first place. The book also provides an opportunity to define androids in the context of classic fiction, setting a reference point for the reader audience. Plus, the novel opens the following discussions: What makes a human? What about the androids makes their emotions so uncanny? Why give them the ability to emote in the first place? Are they meant to be better than us? If so, again, why give them emotions? And so on. 
    • You can also upload each installment of PRELIM 8 in PDF format to the composition window by clicking the “Add Media” button OR by adding these documents to Media in the Dashboard menu. For example:       PRELIM 8 Evolving Annotated Bibliography
    • If you have images, upload them to the Media library by clicking on the Media item in the Dashboard menu. Then choose “Add Media” at the top of the composition window menu to add them where you want them  in the Post. Here is an example:            :You can include an image,  link a video, or other source in the annotation beneath your bibliographic citation. Just be sure to also write a summary response for that source. When you add sources or links to sources in a Post, you can return to edit the entries in the Post itself by revising older annotations and adding newer ones annotations–and then saving the revised post. You can also make to annotate your Blog Post.
    • If you have links to web-based sources you have found doing your own research, such as web-pages, images, or audio or audiovisual material,  you can include them in the Post by clicking on the “link” icon in the composition window menu, typing the URL, and typing title information for the source. For example: “She’s a Replicant” from Bladerunner (1982).
    • PUBLISH your Post or schedule your Post to be published on a particular date. You can also un-publish a Post while you are in the process of revising entries or adding new entries to PRELIM 8.

You will update (EVOLVE) your PRELIM 7: Evolving Annotated Bibliography at least 3 times, adding new sources and revising existing sources each time.